
Abaqus Unified FEA

Complete solutions for realistic simulation.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a technique where geometry from Computer Aided Design (CAD) is discretized into finite elements. This is similar to how a picture is broken up into individual pixels. The collection of finite elements are referred to as a mesh. What FEA provides is a way to simulate how a structure will respond to stimuli such as force, pressure or temperature. This alleviates or reduces the need for physical testing while providing a greater level of insight to the physics occurring in the design.


Abaqus/CAE simply put is the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Abaqus. It has the ability to import a variety of CAD geometries from many neutral formats. There are also associative translators for many of the most popular CAD tools like Catia, SolidWorks and Pro/Engineer. It can also import from other FEA packages like Nastran and Ansys. CAE has robust meshing tools to accommodate virtually any geometry including repair tools. With material test data automated routines can be used to fit material model coefficients to accurately model the materials. Everything in CAE can be automated with Python which is a general purpose programming language with vast engineering and scientific libraries.


Abaqus/Standard employs solution technology ideal for static and low-speed dynamic events where highly accurate stress solutions are critically important. Examples include sealing pressure in a gasket joint, steady-state rolling of a tire, or crack propagation in a composite airplane fuselage. Within a single simulation, it is possible to analyze a model both in the time and frequency domain. For example, one may start by performing a nonlinear engine cover mounting analysis including sophisticated gasket mechanics. Following the mounting analysis, the pre-stressed natural frequencies of the cover can be extracted, or the frequency domain mechanical and acoustic response of the pre-stressed cover to engine induced vibrations can be examined. Abaqus/Standard is supported within the Abaqus/CAE modeling environment for all common pre- and postprocessing needs.

The results at any point within an Abaqus/Standard run can be used as the starting conditions for continuation in Abaqus/Explicit. Similarly, an analysis that starts in Abaqus/Explicit can be continued in Abaqus/Standard. The flexibility provided by this integration allows Abaqus/Standard to be applied to those portions of the analysis that are well-suited to an implicit solution technique, such as static, low-speed dynamic, or steady-state transport analyses; while Abaqus/Explicit may be applied to those portions of the analysis where high-speed, nonlinear, transient response dominates the solution.


Abaqus/Explicit is a finite element analysis product that is particularly well-suited to simulate brief transient dynamic events such as consumer electronics drop testing, automotive crashworthiness, and ballistic impact. The ability of Abaqus/Explicit to effectively handle severely nonlinear behavior such as contact makes it very attractive for the simulation of many quasi-static events, such as rolling of hot metal and slow crushing of energy absorbing devices. Abaqus/Explicit is designed for production environments, so ease of use, reliability, and efficiency are key ingredients in its architecture. Abaqus/Explicit is supported within the Abaqus/CAE modeling environment for all common pre- and postprocessing needs.

The results at any point within an Abaqus/Explicit run can be used as the starting conditions for continuation in Abaqus/Standard. Similarly, an analysis that starts in Abaqus/Standard can be continued in Abaqus/Explicit. The flexibility provided by this integration allows Abaqus/Explicit to be applied to those portions of the analysis where high-speed, nonlinear, transient response dominates the solution; while Abaqus/Standard can be applied to those portions of the analysis that are well-suited to an implicit solution technique, such as static, low-speed dynamic, or steady-state transport analyses.

Abaqus Multiphysics

The Abaqus Unified FEA product suite has significant capabilities that are used to solve multiphysics problems. These capabilities, developed over many years and fully integrated as core Abaqus functionality, have been used extensively for many engineering applications on products and engineering projects in use today.

Multiphysics technology has been a part of Abaqus from the beginning. Starting with Abaqus V2 (in 1979), Abaqus/Aqua simulates hydrodynamic wave loading on flexible structures for offshore pipelines. Through the years additional multiphysics capabilities have been added, such as fluid, thermal, and electrical couplings, to name a few.

The advantage of Abaqus Multiphysics is the ease with which Multiphysics problems can be solved by the Abaqus structural FEA user. From the same model, same element library, same material data, and same load history, an Abaqus structural FEA model can easily be extended to include additional physics interaction. No additional tools, interfaces, or simulation methodology are needed.

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